Locate your friends in real time with Google Latitude

Wednesday, February 4, 2009 | 12:01 AM

Way back in November 2007, we location-enabled all of our Google Maps for mobile clients to bring location awareness to the masses and improve the local search experience. Using My Location, millions of you have been able to easily find yourselves on a map at the touch of a button. But what about finding other people? Lots of you have been requesting to see where your friends are on a map, too. Well now you can with Google Latitude.

Latitude is a new feature of Google Maps for mobile, as well as an iGoogle gadget, that allows you to share your location with your friends and to see their approximate locations, if they choose to share them with you. You can use your Google account to sign in and easily invite friends to Latitude from your existing list of contacts or by entering their email addresses. Google Talk is integrated with Latitude, so you and your friends can update your status messages and profile photos on the go and see what everyone is up to. You can also call, SMS, IM, or email each other within the app. Check out the video below to see Latitude in action.

We've gone to great lengths to put this on as many smartphone devices as possible from day one so that most of the people you know will be able to use Latitude right away. There are two primary ways to use Latitude right now:
  1. On your mobile phone: visit google.com/latitude from your phone's mobile browser to download Google Maps for mobile with Latitude. We currently support most of the popular smartphone platforms: Android, Blackberry, Symbian S60, and Windows Mobile, and we are hoping to see Latitude on the iPhone soon. It will be available through Google Mobile App, and you'll just need to download or update the app from the App store to find Latitude in the Apps tab.
  2. On your computer: go to http://google.com/latitude from your browser and add the Latitude gadget to your iGoogle homepage. What's neat is that if you've installed Google Gears or if you're using Google Chrome, you can choose to automatically share your location from your laptop or desktop computer -- no smartphone required!
Latitude gives you control over how much or little location information you want to share, and with whom. And of course Latitude is 100% opt-in. Learn more about using Latitude and its privacy features in our Help Center or check out our privacy video.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention - it is available in 27 countries and 42 languages. See in which part of the world your friends are now!

Posted by
Charles Mendis, Software Engineer, Google mobile team


Neil said...

It would be really great to be able to blog my location. Is that possible?

Marco said...

The website doesn't seem to recognize my HTC Touch HD when using Opera browser (the standard browser for Touch HD) and won't install. Is this a problem with the Opera browser or your website? When using Internet Explorer 4 I'm able to download the software.

Unknown said...


After using pocket ie to download the application (opera wouldn't detect the phone), I've been able to use Latitude. However, the name of the city I am in is in French (Nimègue), instead of in Dutch or English (Nijmegen). Why is this, and how can i change it? My google profile language is set to english and has amsterdam as the timezone.


marsjannno said...

I am waiting for a version for Java (SE)

Rainer said...


depending on what you exactly you are looking for: in case you're after an RSS feed of your location there's also other options to do that. E.g. blogloc (http://blogloc.com) or EagleFeed (http://www.eaglefeed.me/).

You'd have to switch over to Yahoo's Fire Eagle service, though (http://fireeagle.yahoo.net/) and can't use it with Google Maps Mobile. (At least not from what I know).

Juho Garo Mäkinen said...

Thanks for this great application. Is there already an API available which could be used to import a persons current location and status into some webservice? We're interested to implement such feature into our community site.

- Juho Mäkinen, juho.makinen@gmail.com

Joe said...

Given that Google's European headquarters is in Ireland and also given the level of mobile phone ownership here, it is disappointing to see that Ireland is not one of the 27 countries currently supported.

Alessandro Tucci said...

Nokia N78 with firmware v20.149
Google Maps doesnt hold the internet connection. It ask all the time with which one to use.

Unknown said...

in my igoogle i see ths message:

The Latitude iGoogle gadget is not currently available for your location :(

anyone got this same problem ? My location is north poland

Acid Zebra said...

Works fine guys, I'm glad Google is getting in on the geolocation thing.

What this app needs is "geofencing" - ie. marking an area, and then having the backend send custom emails/notifications to specified addresses when the device enters/leaves the area.

I've used it before with this software: http://www.moostrax.com/feature/geofence/

Mull the idea over some, it is great for things like home automation :)

Acid Zebra said...

Oh, yeah, and it needs an API I can talk to :)

JP said...

Just not working for me (Macbook, OS X 10.5.6) -- can't add Latitude to iGoogle and no iPod Touch/iPhone support.

A lot of hype about nothing just now. Shame.

Chuck Steel said...

It looks like the new version still doesn't work on the Blackberry Storm. I'm still getting the error the GPS is temporarily not available. Can anyone else confirm that?

Unknown said...

It works great, but with one major issue. On my N85 it keeps asking me for the internet connection. That's enough of a pain for me not to use it I'm, afriad.

Roman said...

It would be great if the igoogle gadget would also work in Europe...

I hope we don´t have to wait very long for this feature!

Frans said...

My G1 has an ancient Maps version (1.21). However, I managed to get it working by first adding the gadget to my iGoogle page using the desktop computer, and then visiting my iGoogle page on the G1 and selecting the classic view (rather than the mobile view).

Moombe said...

It did install on my Nokia 5800 with no problems, it works also fine excpet for 2 things :
- it will keep on asking what Internet connection it needs to use. You should tell it only once which connection he has to use and go. Very annyoing.
- the menu will not show up correctly on a 5800. I have to slide up/down the menu until I can see all items.

Vasile Butnaru said...

I love many things about google. Except one.

I'm waiting for Google Maps availability in Bucharest / Romania since quite some time. Especially for iPhone.

Now I read about another cool feature from google.com that I can't use because of the same reason.

Hmm ... too bad -- google are you working on this ? :-(

-- Vasile

Mark said...

No support for Sony Ericssons? For shame. My phone's under a year old and was high end when I bought it (C902)...

Can't wait for when a more widely compatible version is out...

Cursos de Biologia e Gestão Ambiental - Ulbra São Jerônimo said...

Pls, I have Samsung Omnia and i've install the google maps with latitude and now i can't put my password to login at google maps. There are answers to this??? Sorry for my bad inglsh!

Unknown said...

Kind of a neat whiz-bang tool. Would have liked to have seen GPS support in GMM for the VZW Storm 9530.

There are dozens of apps that already utilize the GPS on this phone and where's Google? Pointing the finger at VZW. Shame.

kartikshradha said...

thanks Google, its really wonderful, I was waiting for this service anxiously

SirViente said...

"The Latitude iGoogle gadget is not currently available for your location"

ummm It works for me and for some friends, but there are another 3 friends on the same city, who cant use de igoogle latitude gadget... even on my own computer! showing that error...

offby1 said...

Hmph. On my Android, http://google.com/latitude merely says "coming soon". And after adding the iGoogle gadget, I see only an empty frame labeled "Google Latitude".

Unknown said...

As usual, us UIQ users gets nothing..

Not even the option to download the J2ME version... why hast thau forsaken us? whyyy?

Mike said...

Are there any plans to add support for Google Apps? My company uses that for our email, etc. and for our field techs this could be VERY useful. However, at this point it doesn't look like that works. Shame.

Jason said...

Did street view get removed from the new version for Windows Mobile? I just updated to version and i have latitude but no street view.

Jonas Alves said...

I'm very happy to know this will be available in the Google Mobile App for iPhone, since the native Google Maps application was not updated with the 'public transit' and 'street view' features for IPOD TOUCH users.

Please, update the iPod Touch Maps application!!!!!!!

Mark said...

Awesome - Great job! Now an API for webservice access would provide an AMAZING opportunity for easy external location based service development.

Unknown said...

This is a great idea. At some point you should also add something that works like groups. Join a group and show your location to the whole group or not just like you would an individual.

This would be perfect for a bunch of location based apps.

Unknown said...

actualicé google maps a la version 3, active latitud y funciona bien, solo falta agregar contactos.

Indrajeet said...

When I point my Blackberry Browser to google.com/latitude, it downloads a cab file which my Blackberry is unable to recognize. Aren't cab files for Windows Mobile phones?

Charles said...

When the J2ME version is available, can you please make a link to the file(s) available on the google.com/latitude web page? Some of us are unable to download the app using a browser on the phone; we need to download it via data cable from a computer. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I tried getting to it on my G1 & no luck....m.google.com/latitude just says "Coming Soon"


ScooterJ said...

I too had a problem installing, the default web browser on my phone is a real full-function web browser so I got the normal web page instead of the mobile page. I had to find IE and start it by hand in order for accessing the link to trigger the installer. Perhaps you should just put a link to download the .cab directly on the main web page?

Anonymous said...

I installed on my pc running ubuntu intrepid. I installed gears but the map is not recognizing my location. I had prevand iously manually set the location but now want to use gears to display where my computer is. Firefox and gears seem to be installed correctly but no dice on geolocation display? Anyone know how to fix

Rob said...

Will google be providing an API for 3rd party application to update and receive location information like Fire Eagle?

Unknown said...

Why no support of unicode-characters? Now names is corrupt.

Mike said...

I had the same issue as damasceno above -- I can download and install the updated Google Maps and Latitude software on my Verizon Wireless Samsung Omnia, but I am not able to enter text into the Password field. (I am able to enter my Username without a problem.) I am not sure where else to leave this message.


mingo said...

My question is will the forthcoming Iphone version support updating the GPS in the background. This was my major problem with Loopt; you had to have Loopt running inorder to update.

Latitude seems to be working fine on my BB 8300 bye the way

David said...

For all those who are having issues with downloading the latest app with Opera browser or Blackberry devices, please see the Installation troubleshooting link on the Installing Latitude page: http://www.google.com/support/mobile/bin/answer.py?answer=98020

Unknown said...

Why no G1 support? Crap. Why do you say in the post that it is available for Android devices, but when I go to google.com/latitude from my G1 I get a "coming soon" message. Once again, just like missing transit maps, this is just another feature that Google is working very hard to roll out on every device except their own. Returning G1 for another Blackberry. G1 sucks...

abeNdorg said...

Do you know when will there be PalmOS support? I know the Centro on Sprint supports the "my location" option, as well as non sprint/verizon (what is it, grps?) palmos phones too.


PJD said...

Here's an idea for a feature - if a users phone should get "lost" the user should be able to send a SMS to the cloud portion of Latitude (using a friends phone, a laptop, etc), including a PIN that they setup beforehand, to cloak Latitude on the "lost" phone (hide the icon, lock up access to the app, whatever)but have Latitude continue to track the phones location. This information could then be turned over to the local authorities to help find the "lost" phone. There are workarounds of course but I doubt the majority of people stealing cell phones are that technically astute.

Pablo said...

iGoogle chile:

The Latitude iGoogle gadget is not currently available for your location :(

You can still download Google Maps with Latitude to your phone :)

Click here to learn more or goto m.google.com/latitude from your mobile phone.

why not available?

Nick said...

A J2ME version would be nice. All of the current Sprint cell phones run J2ME and have GPS location support through JSR 179.

LoserPatrol said...

I get this error "The Latitude iGoogle gadget is not currently available for your location :(" as well. A awkward workaround that works for me is:
- On my igoogle page click on the ling "My Account".
- On the page "[name] Google Account " clcik on the link "Google Latitude"
-On the page "Introducing Google Latitude" underneath the heading "View it on your computer" click the link "Add Latitude to iGoogle"
- On the page "Welcome to Google Latitude" sign in using your google account.

At this point you will be redirected to you iGoogle page and Latitude will work. Sort of... If you refresh or reload the page you will once again get the above error :+<

Peter Walker said...

I get the same issue, in FF & IE, I have tio install .. its fine .. but as soon as I close the browser or f5 I get The Latitude iGoogle gadget is not currently available for your location. Only fix seems to be to delete from Igoogle and reinstall.

No promlem on the HTC Touch Diamond


MultiMonitor.Net said...

"The Latitude iGoogle gadget is not currently available for your location"

The iGoogle app is bugged, I doubt my location of Boston is not available.

SiteSpector said...

When I visit the link on my G1 it still says coming soon what gives??

Amber said...

I use labels all the time in Gmail. Without being able to label an email from my iPhone, I can't use Gmail--but rather rely on the Mail app. Please add labels so I can switch to the otherwise better Gmail interface!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I would love to be able to get some code so that when I update my location it would show up on my blog.

Any plans for that? Is it already there and I missed it?

Unknown said...

Same here:
I'd like a link to share with friends/family that are not gtalk users.

The most common scenario would be to email the link, but it would be nice to add it to my own site using gmaps api.

Unknown said...

Is it possible to track my phone location using the computer? I've installed Latitude on my phone and have it active, but I appear to only be able to track other Google email addresses using the iGoogle+Latitude website (and can't add a mobile number to track or anything).

Gregory Pleau said...

Any chance the Windows Mobile build could be updated to keep the GPS running when the device has the screen turned off? The CDMA providers in Canada don't permit Cell Tower Triangulation so I have to use GPS, but Latitude stops sending my position when I turn the battery munching screen off

Unknown said...

On mobile it would be nice to have another option for "to share best available location" based on cell towers only even if you have GPS enabled.

Unknown said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Brovie said...

PLEASE get it in for iPod! I just figured out about it and I think it is SO COOL!!! PLEEEEASE!!

Unknown said...

This doesn't seem to work in Canada - when I entered my (604) area code mobile phone number I got a message saying "Not a valid phone number"

Also, when I tried to install the gadget to my .ca ig account, its not available

Unknown said...

This is one of man's outstanding technology invention.the only problem is that i'm not able to download it yet on my sprint Instinct phone.

Unknown said...

in my igoogle i see ths message:

The Latitude iGoogle gadget is not currently available for your location :(

anyone got this same problem ? My location is Basque Country (Spain for now)

StarLite said...

This latitude thing is sweet :D
1 q tho: I want to keep it running all the time, without having the total google maps app open.
When I close maps, it asks me if I want to keep sharing my position, I answer yes and it keeps just the location service running (taking up a mere 330KB of ram). I don't want to start and exit g. maps evvery time I reboot my device tho (which is a couple of times a week, the joy of a Hermes...). Is there any way to make gmaps do the latitude sharing thing without starting the app, enabling latitude and exiting again?

Andy said...

For anyone getting the "The Latitude iGoogle gadget is not currently available for your location" try this address instead


if you dont get the landscape igoogle view latitude wont work the above address seems to force the newer landscape view.

Hope that helps.

My only problem is i cant add a friend - i get a link to add them, i click "Accept and share" but the person is not added to the friend list, and the link "new share request" is still there.. each time I accept the same person again they get another email saying i shared my location! But i still cant see their location..

hepadizio said...

Fix the problems with nokia 5800 and this is great...

Unknown said...

i think the brazilian version of the link-push form in google latitude site is not working properly... could´t send myself the link.

Andrew Fay said...

Great application - just wish it actually used the GPS on the Storm with Verizon. Amazing thing - it does work when I turn of the radio - then it actually uses the GPS. How amazing is that? Is this because of GPSa vs. GPS, and not knowing which one to use. Verizon will allow GPS, but not the GPSa. Can you please fix this? Driving my wife nuts - really nuts!!

James Cunningham said...

Got it working on my Nokia N95. I know the whole privacy thing is important but it would be fun to open it up so you can broadcast your location to any user, not just a friend.

You could add a search like "show me males age 20-30 within 5 miles of me", that kind of thing.

Unknown said...

I hope this will be rolled out to Google Apps users, too! It would be a shame to be left out because I use another one of Google's services.

Unknown said...

I loaded it yesterday, and crashed my N82. It is unusable now and will have to have it re flashed this weekend costing time and money. Really disappointed. Why cant things be easy?

Michael Picher said...

To the person having trouble with BB Storm... It will not use the GPS on my Blackberry 8830 either. In fact, Maps 3.0.1 is having trouble with the GPS in general.

Unknown said...

The igoogle gadget does not work if you are on your country page e.g. google.ca, but if you go to the US igoogle page google.com/ig the gadget works even if you are not in the US

Unknown said...

For anyone having the "The Latitude iGoogle gadget is not currently available for your location" error, read this:


Nicolas said...

I have a BlackBerry Storm and the GPS is not supported by this new version of Google Maps Mobile.

I find the options to add friends to follow a bit of a pain. If you select a group, you have to manually check the checkbox next to each one to add them.

dc5guy said...

why is it that I cannot chat with my friends on Latitude? I'm on a WinMo phone (HTC Touch Diamond). I only have the option to e-mail the person if I'm on my computer through iGoogle.

Another problem is that it is VERY painful to change my profile picture. A blank canvas shows up where all my pictures should be. Only white squares show up. I finally got the pictures to show up once and selected my picture and now I cannot change it to a different picture.

Another Hotelier said...

I have just my BB Pearl Flip last week... downloaded Google Latitude and Map... Things are seem to be ok minus friend to be added yet!

Phil Bridges said...

http://www.google.com/ig seems to fix the igoogle issue. Works fab on my grotty Nokia E51, I just wish I was smart enough to write a wordpress plug in or widget for google Latitude, though I suspect it's on it's way!

Anonymous said...

This is another great feature developed by google. I suspect a lot of people will use it. Carl Parisien

LFLFM said...

I love the new feature; but I really do NOT like the new GMM version!
The new google maps mobile is way slower than the previous one.
1. Performance: its slower and often freezes for a second or two; if you were scrolling when it froze, the cursor ends up a long way from where it froze and you have to find where you were again.
2. Finding your location; I have an E71, in the previous version it would find my approx location almost immediatelly, then it would turn on the GPS and try to find a more accurate position - I had never seen it miss (i would always be in the big blue circle, usually very close to or right in the center, with or without GPS position). Now it freezes a few times after I turn it on and gives me some random location of where I am (I live in Brazil and once it actually told me I was in New York) then it turns on the GPS and only gives me an approx location if it cant get a GPS signal...
Not to mention I now frequently find myself outside the large circle!
I cant help but wonder; will google continue to make high quality products for non-android phones, or will they just release quickie updates so they can say its not just for the android...?

As for a slight improvement on the feature, it would be nice for an "advanced options" allowing us to choose how often to update our location and if it should allow for GPS usage
One could configure to update every 30m, always turning the GPS on (good to configure this in our kid's phones! perhaps even a configuration password, so the little brats cant turn this off*)
While someone else might want something like update every hour, use GPS only if already turned on (GPS might be turned on from some other app, like navigation (nokia maps, garmin, etc) or from photo location tagger software); if its not on, use approx location.

*of course they know they can just delete google maps or switch off their phone; but then again, they DO want their monthly allowance, don't they? ;-)

Anyway, thanks for the feature google-man; just please fix the performance on symbian; and if possible, allow us to setup advanced location sharing options :-)

pluscms said...

damasceno the same error on my omnia. Can't type anything.

If you change the keybord from Samsung keybord to Samsung keypad that might help but only for 1 minute it will go back to samsung keybard again as it is my default keybord layout.

Bartlett Mayo said...

It appears that someone has grabbed the iPhone app name of Latitude. Is the iPhone app going to be called something different or will Latitude be integrated with one of the many other apps that use GPS combined with Google Maps?

Bearded Locsman said...

Using Nokia N95...

When will the other great communication support ("You can also call, SMS, IM, or email each other within the app.") be provided for S60, other than just showing my location on the map?

Also, I've been trying to add the gadget to Gmail, but I get "Invalid gadget specification. Ensure URL is correct and the gadget does not contain errors." message every time.

Will you just integrate latitude into Chat in Gmail? The goal should just be to integrate all means of communication via Google products with the location service through maps.

I am longing for the day when I have one contact database from which I can communicate in any manner to my contacts in the context of some location software! The Palm Pre is definitely moving in the right direction!

Catherine Johnson said...

I have an Android and live in the heart of Silicon Valley. No matter where I am, when I hit "My Location" I am told "unable to locate your position."

Can anyone offer suggestions why this occurs ?


popyfm said...

i'm using N95 8GB

and almost every time i want to use Google Maps i have to install it.

Don't know why, but i install, use it 2 or 3 times... then after 2 or 3 days i want to use it again but what happens is that the app doesn't start, it tries to open, giving a screen flash, but it returns to menu immediately.

also my sugestion, why don't give us the option to send a normal sms with our coordinates to anyone whithin our phone contacts list?

Anonymous said...

I have a Sony Ericsson P1i and the latest version i was able to download is 2.0.1. Version 3 however is the latitude version.

Really strange because the version "My Location" is support in the 2.0.1 version....

Is there no support at all for sony ericssons?

Hansdek12 said...

Worked a treat for me on HTC HD - however only when I use Internet Explorer. Does not work with Opera - a bit slow on the updating - even when refreshing.


Vincent said...

Great Job!

Ideally I'd like Latitude to be a separate lightweight application that I would always run on my winMo device.

With the current version, if I just want my friends to know where I am, I need to have google maps running, which take a lot of bandwith + memory + battery life.


Letsky Innovations said...

Great work! I'd really love to be able to see the Google Latitude information in Google Earth....

Any chance we can see that soon?

soydeedo said...

I agree with Vince. This should be separate from Google Maps, because I hardly ever have that running unless I'm trying to find something or I'm driving there. After that, I exit the program so this isn't very handy.

Unknown said...

I think it would be nice if Google Latitude could use your location from calender, because my phone does not have a very good data plan.

Penny said...

I'm watching my lost/stolen mobile on Google Latitude. It's gone from SFO to Boston. I'm facinated and bummed in equal measure.

Brian Beeler said...

(phone: Nokia E61i/ SymbOS-S60v3) Feature request/return: numeric keypad lock on application load. The previous version(s) of Maps would automatically lock the numeric keypad on application start but the current version (1) does not, (2) requires the user to hold down the number keypad lock during input and (3) will not allow the user to lock the keyboard into the numeric keypad. It's a small but mildly irritating issue simply because it was a nice feature. Otherwise it's great application that gets used everyday. Thanks.

CaptainVideoJW said...

When is the J2ME version going to be ready?

GrueBlock said...

OK problem: Installed the new GMaps (with latitude), phone broke, got a new one, can't log into latitude on the new phone; login fails. How would I go about setting up my google account (for latitude) on the new phone??? Please email me if at all possible: GrueBlock@gmail.com

Phil Bridges said...

@G-Unit ...Load the latest google maps on your phone, latutude will one of the options.

GrueBlock said...

Yeah, I have installed the new 3.0.2 (today) but I keep getting "login failed"

Phil Bridges said...

So can oyu log into gmail ewith the same credentials?

GrueBlock said...

Of course I can - that's how I'm posting here.

Bill said...

So I used Google Latitude recently and I have a some requests. First, I'd love some way to set an update frequency on my mobile phone. Running Latitude decimated my battery power. Second, I would like to be able to force Latitude to use only one method of location finding (e.g. GPS). Third, it would be cool to have it integrate with a flight tracker. It would be cool if I could put my flight info on my calendar, then when that time came Latitude would use the flight info to then automatically update my position based on the flight tracking information. For a person who travels for a living this would be a really fun feature for my family. They would love to be able to go just to Latitude to see where I'm at instead of switching between it and a flight tracker. Along those same lines, if I'm going on a road trip and don't have wireless access, it would be nice to submit a 'road plan' based on Google Maps directions. When you're ready to go, you can click Start and Latitude will track you based on the directions you requested, and when you're out of range it will automatically update your position based on your planned trip. Sweet, huh!

Bill said...

Expanding on my previous comment, the road tracker bit could even be used for general aviation. In both GA and road trips, if someone drops out of coverage but doesn't come back when expected (like the next major city) or arrive at the destination then Latitude could email or call someone chosen by the user (wife, parents, etc) to alert them about the problem and give you a call to make sure you're okay. Just in case, you know? If something did go wrong, they'd know your last reported position, road plan or flight plan, speed, etc., and would be able to call authorities, hospitals, hotels, and so forth along the route. Also for tracking kids, spouses, delivery trucks - whatever - Latitude could alert someone to deviations in a route or waypoint acheivment times. A business owner could get an alert, look at Google Maps to find the delivery truck, turn on Traffic and see that the truck is stuck behind an accident. You see where I'm going with this.

Unknown said...

It works for my storm! the New Google maps GPS.

Johnish said...

google maps 3.0.2 (with latitude on) causes my Blackberry Pearl 8120 to receive low memory messages to the point where I can't get the google maps menu to appear. The only way to resolve it is to do a hard reset (take the battery out when the device is on). Looks like a memory leak problem. Their are a few complaints on crackberry so I know it's not just my phone with this problem. http://forums.crackberry.com/f35/google-maps-3-x-latitude-memory-leak-os-instability-162315-new/

FinTech tip said...

This "coming soon" statement for the iPhone doesn't wash anymore, what's taking so long, I feel we're missing out big style.

Matt said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Matt said...

Same for the JAVA edition as well. Can you give us some idea what it will be available please?

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

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GrueBlock said...

Way to stay on-topic. Your post is equally as useless as this one! :D

AndreasNYC said...

Please allow Google Apps users to natively login to the iGoogle Latitude gadget.

It really is crazy to have to make a fake gmail account (or similar) which will just mess-up contacts, IM, etc. in order to get people to be able to see my Google Latitude friends from my notebook via iGoogle.

Please implement native Google Apps login for iGoogle right away.

Tarun Rana said...

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Unknown said...

its a great product from google as usual but it has some negatives with regards to find stolen mobile phones. Keeping gmaps in the background causes high data usage and battery in google latitude. Moreover if the gmaps is not open it cannot use the Latitude location sharing.

better option to track stolen mobiles would be a software like roblock from http://www.vapssky.com/Roblock.aspx

Neil said...

Folks, with regards to the Nokia Connection Drop problem, I found this and it's worked for my n78...

For some S60 3rd ed. FP2 phones (Nokia 5320 XpressMusic, 6210 Navigator, 6220 Classic, 6650, N78, N79, N85, N96, N96-3), you may need to set a default destination using the following steps:
Go to Settings > Connection > Destinations > Options > Default connection.
Select "Internet" (if you have it) or whichever APN group you want it to use.

Unknown said...

hmm....the ultimate stalker application. awesome!

TechTrends said...

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